Virtual Experiences for Corporate Teams and Events

Triple Coffee Virtual Tasting with Youtube

Recently we did a virtual coffee tasting with YouTube corporate.  We tasted some of our most delicious micro-lot coffees, including the Japanese Exclusive, which performed very well in a recent review of Central American washed coffees.

We essentially tasted each coffee from our very popular coffee bundle, The Flight.

The Flight includes:  The Pacamara Natural, The Japanese Exclusive, and The Divine Espresso

During the tasting we surveyed the group and asked them the following:

Which was your favorite coffee?

Score each coffee on a scale of 1 to 4 on these five categories:

  • Aroma
  • Acidity
  • Sweetness
  • Body
  • Finish

For each coffee, what are your tasting notes?



Tasting notes
Divine Espresso
Nutty, Smooth, Sweet chocolate, Heavy, Rich Chocolate


Japanese Exclusive
Floral, Fruity, Mandarin, Orange, Chocolate, Tea, Sweet


Pacamara Natural

Fruity, Flowers, Citrus, Sweet, Cherry, Ripe honeydew, Vanilla, Maple, Plum 


Favorite Coffee

Coffee Scores
The results are quite interesting.  Summing the tasting scores from the above bar graph, gives us a way to rank the coffees.  The rank is actually more or less what you would get from a professional coffee cupper, given that fruity+floral+sweet+acidic > floral+sweet+acidic > sweet acidic.
Coffee Score (out of 20)
Pacamara Natural
Japanese Exclusive
Divine Espresso 13.32


But from the question, which one is your favorite, The Japanese exclusive was the winner (followed by the Divine Espresso and then the Pacamara Natural).

This tells us two things:

  • Methods for scoring coffees work.
  • High coffee scores do not predict consumer preference.

Briefly, we see this ALL THE TIME.  A lot of people can taste the fruitiness of a quality specialty coffee, but at the end of the day prefer their verona or french roast with cream and sugar.  But if we had to choose which coffee to submit to a professional coffee competition, we would likely submit the coffee with the highest score, the Pacamara Natural.

I'll let you draw your own conclusions from here.  There is soooo much to unpack.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below!

1 comment

  • Ahmed Alhamdani

    Hello Triple Coffee

    Please see bellow link


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