The song "I Hopped Into a Coffee Shop" is currently trending in Google Search, but what is it about?
The song is about a man who sees a girl with cool pants in a coffee shop and wants to tell her but his inner voice stops him. He then accidentally insults her but clarifies that he was complimenting her pants. The girl understands and they end up having a great time dancing together because of the compliment. Seems like it's not about coffee at all. :)
Here are the lyrics. What do you think it's about?
I hopped into a coffee shop
And then my jaw dropped in shock
When I saw a girl who had cool pants
They made me want to dance
I started to advance to tell her
Until I heard a little voice say
Stop! You′re gonna make it weird for everyone in here
And you’re gonna break her flow
So you better just not
I said: You′re really dumb
And then she looked up
And thought that
I was telling her that she was really dumb
I started to explain
And then I said: I love your pants
And I was previously talking to my brain
She said “I understand, I made this pair of pants by hand
And I believe that it is time for us to dance”
And that is what we did
We had a great time
And all because I’d given a stranger a compliment
M indeed bro
I don’t like the trousers but I kinda like the song its mid
Jk this song sucks ass i hate it get this fucking things off my screen
I don’t like the trousers but I kinda like the song its mid
Jk this song sucks ass i hate it get this fucking things off my screen
I don’t like the trousers but I kinda like the song its mid
Jk this song sucks ass i hate it get this fucking things off my screen
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